Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mind's Eye by Paul Fleischman

Here is the book on Amazon.

This book is written completely in dialogue, which I love. I think it's a great way to teach students about dialogue and also give them something to read that has a little depth. Mind's Eye is told from the point of view of a young paraplegic named Courtney. She is 16, stuck in a rehabilitation home surrounded by elderly women. She is sullen and withdrawn and clearly hurting, and her roommate, Elva tries to change that by bringing her on a journey through literature.

Together, the two woman travel through Italy in their minds, exploring the city and following stories only they know. By the end of the book, Courtney is a stronger, wiser young woman and the future looks less bleak.

I think this story would be great to use in-class, but I also think it's nice for students for quick book for free choice. It is only 112 pages and I think it can quickly rope in a more reluctant reader. The descriptions are really intense and vivid and I don't feel that the story is aimed at any particular demographic, so any student in high school would be able to tackle this book.

1 comment:

ClarissaGrace said...

I like your comments about how you could use it in class. good thinking about the "curriculum potential" here.